Plan A is a six-part documentary series that follows the rise of five young musical talents as they take their first steps on the Belgian music scene, where ambitious talents seem to be popping up like mushrooms in recent years.

In their autobiographical lyrics, they create the soundtrack of their own lives. What binds them together? They have no plan B, no safety net, no alternative. Plan A is a docu-series bursting with music, colour and fighting spirit. A series that makes you dream.

Plan A is made for VRTMAX and VRT Canvas.

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Directed by Vincent Everaerts, Heleen Declercq and Sam Geyskens
Produced by Robin Esselens
Edited by Jonas Verstraeten
Concept by Elke Neuville
Shot by Heleen Declercq, Toon Persyn & Conrad Lobert
Grading by Erika De Korte
Sound by Chez Freddy
Prod company De chinezen